Airfields | Benham | Architecture, Engineering, & Designbuild Firm


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Adam West
Civil Infrastructure Airfields Market
Civil Infrastructure Airfields Market
Civil Infrastructure Airfields Market

In the last decade, Benham staff has been responsible for more than 200 aviation related projects exceeding 9,000,000 SF of facility space and with a construction value in excess of $2.3 billion for the design of infrastructure projects at home and abroad.

Benham’s airfield experience includes designs for planning, feasibility, new construction, repair and renovation work on runways, airfields, pavements, parking aprons, taxiways, pavement rehabilitation, NAVAIDS and runway / taxiway lighting, utilities, perimeter roads, and access road improvements.

We routinely use the Pavement-Transportation Computer Assisted Structural Engineering (PCASE) software program for design and evaluation of transportation systems, including airfields, roads, and railroads at military and commercial facilities. Determination of pavement life (airfields/roadways), and required upgrades and repairs are critical to our client missions and training operations. Project applications include airfield pavement design, management and modeling; tank trail and hardstand design; pavement condition survey and rehabilitation design for installation roadways; and as a component of life cycle cost analysis of new and rehabilitation designs for roadways and airfield pavements.

About Benham

Our clients range from local, state and federal government agencies, to large and small private sector businesses who are striving to expand.

We embrace each client relationship, helping them reach their goals, delivering innovative, high quality performance. The goals, expectations and needs of our clients provide the foundation for every project we accomplish together.

Corporate Office

14000 Quail Springs Parkway
Suite 500
Oklahoma City, OK 73134